So I'm moving! That's right, Jessica and I have had enough of dealing with crankypants neighbor downstairs and will subsequently be moving not too far away from where we currently live to reside in an apartment that will hopefully allow us to function like the youthful women we are. We'll be a bit more into Silverlake, over in Sunset Junction so I'm forseeing a lot of movies at the Vista and visits to Intelligentsia coffee and total hipsterdom to follow. I'm excited about the new's a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath (my room is the one with a toilet and sink). It's all wood paneling and ceramic floors, so no carpet, it has great light because of these three rather large windows in the livingroom/kitchen area. We get 2 parking spaces but there's no laundry room. It comes with a brand new fridge and stove and is currently being completely repainted for us. My room's window does face into another building but Im just going to overload the windowsill with plants and I think it will all end well. And cats are permissible with no added deposit or cost!
Which brings us to cat finding now of course! Im looking very hard now for a calico or tortoiseshell kitten that I can hopefully name Miss Hepburn (since me and Jess both love Katherine) and then we can also call the cat a hepcat!!! And what with all the swingdancing what could be better?
Oh yes jobs...have a job now for the in between time of DGA at American Apparel, over where Mollie works...should be good. Im also very excited because while meeting one of the cats I also met a DGA commercial AD who is going to be hiring me on as a PA! Its an amazing lucky contact and great money. Cant wait, I start with him on a project next week for a day.
And then there's pincurls...Dancing is going strong. As is vintage dress buying :) Oh yes and recently vintage furniture buying too. So I've started to learn how to pincurl my hair. Its a constant work in progress but Im loving it enough to say that I think Ill do it every night I wash my hair when Im off show. Here's how if you care to learn as well:
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