Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Ok so I spent the whole day yesterday planting stuff. Some of my groups for Lupine and Nasturtium got screwed up and I'll review all that at a later date. I also didnt have enough containers for others. But most of the plants are in the dirt now its matter of germinating!

I went ahead and ordered my business cards...hopefully they come out as wonderfully as I would like them to.

I'll pull some photos from the wedding of me later as well so that those can be up here. But that won't be til Sunday since I'm working. Oh, and wonderful news, Wanda the Wonderful is going to find a little something for me in its budget so I am no longer working completely for free for them for an entire month. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!! PAID WORK!!!!!!!!!!
