Finding out was beautiful BTW. Just before I lost ALL service for the next month the DGA called as we rounded the bend of this greeny mountain and in front of me appeared the Big Horn Mountains (the for serious, big snow
y ones). Only a couple of feet further and I lost reception after I got off the phone with them so they quite literally got me at the last second.
This is where I found out:
It was, and continues to be a real mixed bag of emotions. I dont
really want to talk more in depth about it other than the fact that I feel like this, in addition to other things, will have a real impact on my relationship.
I'm excited and terrified of what's coming. I'm one of 15 chosen which is awesome. Within the next 3 weeks I need to drive to LA, find an apartment, furniture, various sorts of house items since I got rid of so much when combining households with Kellen, read 2 books before our orientation, talk to my mentor, and start working as a 2nd 2nd! I can't wait to find out what my first assignment will be.
I'm currently in Colorado Springs on the return trip ba
ck from Wanda the Wonderful. I don't want to say too much about the filming....there were many many events and moments along the way. It was a hard show. Not in terms of how much we were actually shooting, but there were many, many other things that made it so much harder to get through. We got it all though and Wyoming was STUNNING. Check out my facebook for the buttloads of photos I took. Here's just one of my panoramas:

So tomm will be back in Texas for a week of packing, preparing, calling loans and telling them that I need to defer for a month or two while I get my shit together, and probably being unbelievably sad. My heart is broken because I feel like I'm loosing my best friend. Excitement, joy, fear, and pain are all wrapped into one at this moment in my life.