Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No Job For Me :(

Didn't get that job I interviewed for at The Gamers Realm. I guess Im too out of touch with DnD and all that good stuff... or they had a problem with me freelancing on the side.

On the other hand I have accepted the working for free position I was offered by Wanda the Wonderful! So that means I will be 1st ADing on the doc for 3 weeks in June in beautiful mountain country Wyoming. Literally in the middle of nowhere. With
horses. So what if they're not paying
me right? LOL. Good news too is that the 3 weeks are actually all narrative so it won't be unfamiliar AD territory (and possibly shooting on a Red).

And to make me feel better about not getting the job here are more photos from earlier today!

Dallas Arboretum--Spring!

Went to the Dallas Arboretum today with Tabitha and Colleen and let me tell you about how awesome it was. I took boatloads of photos and I only wish I had an amazing SLR with me. Sadly I do not own one so the photos were taken on my little Sony. But here are some of them! It was so incredibly beautiful there! I can only hope that I can successfully grow some slightly smaller version of this kind of awesome gardening on my balcony.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wanda the Wonderful

Oh yes, I forgot to mention. Tomm morning I'm interviewing for working on a doc! Its called Wanda the Wonderful and shoots in June in Wyoming. The exciting and awesome thing about it: shooting in the mountains, remote location, roughing it, and general hiking awesomeness for 3 weeks. Less exciting is the fact that its unpaid. But more exciting is that they would like me to work on it in some sort of AD capacity. Don't get me wrong I've never ADed a doc before in my life but I will freakin learn. I know it'd be a month of not making any money but I think it would be fun and a good thing for the ole resume as well as contacts, contacts, contacts which at this point I need.

Oh, feel free to check it out:

I'll keep you posted on whether or not I'll be working on this.

Lupine -- Texas Bluebonnets

So my Texas Bluebonnets are going to be the plants I have the most "experimenting" happening with. Here's a general rundown of the plant:

  • Annual
  • Full Sun
  • 21 Day Germination (3 weeks)
  • Average Soil
  • Blooms 1st year
  • Doesn't like having roots disturbed--don't transplant
  • Drought tolerant
So according to everyone there seem to be various "best" methods for starting the seeds. I've decided to undertake all of the ones I've found with my 60 seeds. Here are the 6 kinds of "starts" I plan on giving these seeds:

  • Group A: 7 day cold treatment (seeds between moist paper towels in a ziploc bag in the fridge)-- I just realized I may have screwed this because this morning I put them in the freezer. I just took them out and put them in the fridge so....yeah we'll see how that goes.
  • Group B: Chip seeds then soak 24hr in warm water
  • Group C: Chill 2 days then nick
  • Group D: Chill 2 days then sandpaper
  • Group E: Freeze overnight, then pour over with boiling hot water and soak for several hours before planting
  • Group F: Soak seed overnight
I'll keep you posted on how well each group does and at what day I see the first germination. Groups C and D are going to get started a little late probably because I have a feeling Im going to want to plant ASAP when I get back from this wedding and not want to wait 2 additional days for more chilling.

Some changes in the lineup

So I've decided upon further consideration to add a couple more seeds to the lineup.

I've been continuing to watch the balcony and I'm worried that the full sun stuff won't do as well so I thought I would bring in a couple of
things that will be able to hang out in the shady areas near the fence. And
here they are:

  • Shasta Daisy
  • Canterbury Bells
  • And attempting Foxgloves even though I feel these will be a bust

I'm continuing to do my research on the individual plants so be expecting posts that give information on what/how I'm planting each by later tonight probably.

I purchased some more pots today! Found that Family Dollar has very cheap planters (4$-2$ range) that include drainage and everything, so a much better deal than Target where I paid 6$ for the same thing. Definitely returning the Target ones. Also had some luck at Goodwill finding some pots. Bought seed starting potting soil at Lowes and was also give 3 pot trays there for free from one of the employees! Very exciting. Oh and I bough plant labels (since I'm going to be doing so many kinds I thought this would be good to have).

On a completely different route, I have an interview today at some sort of gaming store for a part time regular job that can help me bring in some money. Thats in an hour--I'll let you know how it goes. Also, got a call for one day of pick ups for next week from the movie that I just finished. I was suuuuper happy because it was the director that called me and he was like, so I was just on a job yesterday and I was miserable that you weren't there. He told his producer that that will not happen from now on. Good news for me!!! It's great too cause he's one of the guys out here that gets a lot of commercial work (and any work is good work, but commercial work pays better!).

Additional good news: I found a dress for Cammy's wedding (me and Kellen are flying back to Sarasota in the next couple days). It's vintage and needs to have the zipper fixed and the lining pinned back on but its super awesome and I will look just like Don Draper's wife at this wedding :)

And one more piece of good news, as far as I know the DGA has not yet sent out their letters so, even though the website says should receive info by mid March, this is not the case because I called them and they told me they haven't sent anything out yet. Could be good though because Ryan's sister, who also applied, apparently already got a rejection letter. Maybe this means good news for me?

OK. well time to go get ready for this interview. More posts on seeds, etc. to come.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Starting From Seed

Alright so I haven't had much luck before with starting from seed. But maybe this time things can go a little better. I have more time on my hands (at least at the moment) and I'd like to think that this will allow me to focus more on getting the plants to grow past that initial stage of sprouting.

I plan on giving updates on each plant that I start from seed so it may get dull from time to time. But if you have time, and like plants, I recommend trying to grow with me! We can swap notes and war stories. You have a little over a week to prepare as I will not actually be sowing my seeds until April 6th. This will in a sense be a
walkthrough in what I'm doing to make these plants grow, if you know about plants and notice that I'm making some huge mistake please help and point it out.

Sooooo here's whats on the menu so far:

  • Columbine "Lime Sorbet"
  • Lupine (Texas Bluebonnets)
  • Salvia "Lady in Red"
  • Sunflowers
  • Nasturtiums
  • Dill
It's a short list that may very well expand given how well these initial few do.

I've paid close attention to my are (Zone 8a : Dallas, TX ) and chosen flowers that should do well here. Additionally I've spent the last couple days eyeballing my balcony to know the conditions out there and I've decided that its Full Sun area. With the fence and all there is some shade to contend with but all in all there are spots that will get full sun for sure.

So now for an overview of what/how I plan to go about with each plant.

Job hunting, Film TV and Commercial Production, Gardening, Knitting, Cat Owning and Anything Else Worthy of Interest

You've stumbled or been redirected to reading a little bit more about what's going on in my life. Or not going on as the case might be.

I've decided to start the blog to monitor and track my progress on what I seek out to achieve while in Dallas and beyond. The disclaimer here is that I will not post daily and I will not necessarily deliver information pertaining to my personal life. This blog will mostly serve as log of my achievements or attempts at achievements.

At the moment many things are about to get started, or are already in motion, so here's a list of things I hope to cover in the course of my blogging:

  • Job Hunting (where have I applied or...where have I NOT applied)
  • Any Film, TV and Commercial work I might get hired to work on and what exciting piece of non-LA ass I can dish about on the internets
  • Gardening- on my balcony, in containers
  • Knitting
  • Possible new cat ownership
  • Movie watching and video game playing
  • House decorating
Hopefully this can be one of those blogs I might actually stick to...but only time will tell.